On 13 September 1958 , Vivekananda Secondary Tamil School was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister YAB Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj ,creating another milestone in the history of TVAKL. At the opening ceremony of the Secondary School, the Honourable Prime Minister YAB Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj also paid tribute to the enduring values of good education and quoted the words of the Holy Prophet:-
“ Acquire knowledge. It enables its possessor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to heaven; it is our friend in the desert; our society in solitude; our companion when friendless; it guides us to happiness; it sustains us in misery; it is an ornament among friends and an armour against enemies.”
Y.T.M Tunku Abdul Rahman, Prime Minister, Malaya, officially opened the Vivekananda Tamil Secondary School on 13.1.1958. Mr P, Navaratnam, M.Sc, a Committee member and Co-oordinator of the project is also present. The Vivekananda Tamil School later in 1960 became the Vivekananda Secondary School receiving full government aid.
The Secondary School, located in the Vipulananda Block, began with two classes, Forms I and II, science laboratories and a library. Special arrangements were also made to accommodate students from rural areas and the plantations. To them this was the first and perhaps the only way to a career on par with the pupils of the English Schools.
There were many historic events in that year for TVAKL. The Ashrama drew up an Instrument of Management approved by the Ministry of Education with the following terms:
There will be a Chairman of the Board of Managers
Three members from the Ashrama will be managers
Appoint only a Tamil Hindu as Head Master
Possess all the building and classes not reserved for the use of the Tamil School
The Vivekananda Secondary Tamil School started with three classes and 98 students. Mr P. Navaratnam M.Sc. had taken the initiative to see that all facilities were provided while Mr S Kandiah the Hon. Secretary of the Schools organised accommodation for the students from the rural areas.

The Education Act 1961 brought major changes in the education system of the country. The Act provided for vernacular schools at the primary level and Malay and English schools at the secondary level. The Malay medium schools were referred to as “national” schools while the other schools were “national-type ”schools. All schools were government-funded and had to use a common national curriculum regardless of school type. Other provisions included:
The formation of a single system of national education.
Commencement of a Malayan-oriented curriculum.
Conception of a single system of evaluation for all.
Recognition of the eventual objective of making Bahasa Melayu the main medium of instruction.
Hence the Vivekananda Tamil Secondary school was converted and renamed as Vivekananda Secondary English school with 60 students from Forms I to III and managed by Mr M Thambipillay. The Vivekananda English School (held in the afternoon) closed down due to poor attendance.
The Ashrama decided that a hostel would benefit greatly for students from the rural districts who lacked the opportunity to continue their education after primary school. The Ashrama developed plans for the construction of a hostel which on approval requested the Social Welfare and Lotteries Board for a contribution of 85% of the cost
The school received its first woman headmistress – Mrs Inthumathiammal K G Yogam who served from 1962 to 1964. The school also acquired a new block of classrooms and the “Vivekananda Block” was completed by 1963.
In 1964, Mr K Purushothaman became headmaster of school and was largely responsible for its development and educational success. The school presented the first set of students for the L.C.E. Examinations and those who passed went on to other schools to complete their secondary education.
In 1966/67 The Minister of Education YB Encik Mohd Khir Johari visited the school and presented a cheque for RM30,000 for science labs and a new building. The cost of the 3-storey “Vipulananda Block” was completed in 1966 at the cost of RM 65,000. However ,a shortfall of RM35,000. encouraged the school to organise a food and fun fair under the patronage of YB Encik V. Manickavasagam – The Minister of Labour as its patron. They raised RM 5,000. The rest was raised through donations, canteen food sales and a lottery.

Khir Johari
Y.B Encik Khir Mohamad Khir Johari, Minister of Education, visited the Vivekananda Secondary School on 5.10.1965 to hand over a cheque for $30,000. He is accompanied by Mr V, Selvanayagam, AMN Chairman, Board of Governors, and Mr K Purushothaman, Headmaster. The School ran a lottery to raise $50,000 to supplement the grant to construct two floors of classrooms and science labs above the existing one-storey Vipulananda Block in 1967.

Future plans for Vivekananda Secondary School was to offer education for students from Forms 1 to V. With the growing student population there was also a shortage of classrooms, lack of canteen facilities in the schools - both primary and secondary.
The Ashrama requested the assistance of an old boy of the hostel –YB Encik S Subramaniam, (Deputy Minister Domestic Trade and Consumerism), to help acquire the land adjacent to the school. With the acquisition of the land and the RM216,000 from the Ministry of Education, six more classrooms, 2 science labs, an Industrial Arts Block were built in 1977.
Another 4-storey block was planned under the able leadership of Mr K Purushothaman the Headmaster of the school and the building was completed in 1980. Special mention must be made about the efforts of Mr Purushothaman, the longest serving headmaster (1964 to 1979) of the school. He was responsible of raising funds for the building, as well as laying the foundation for a unifying 1-Malaysia student population in the school. His tact, diplomacy and understanding of the students made him a much beloved Headmaster. The Vivekananda Ashrama had great regrets when Mr Purushothaman was transferred to another school. When he retired he joined the Ashrama Management Committee and was appointed as Manager of the Schools.

YB Chan Siang Sun
In May, 1977, Y.B Mr Chan Siang Sun, Deputy Minister of Education, was the chief guest at the Annual Athletic Sports of the Vivekananda Secondary School held at the Railway Club field. Others in the picture ar Mr V. Arunasalam, AMN (left) Chairman, Board of Governors, and Mr K Sivasampu, Hon Secretary, Vivekananda Ashrama. Y.B Mr Chan Siang Sun persuaded the Ministry of Education to apply for the alienation of a piece of land adjacent to the school. The M.P for Damansara (the School's constituency) Y.B Dato S. Subramaniam, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department greatly assisted in getting the Chief Secretary of the Government to approve the alienation fo the land in november, 1977. A four-storey block was then constructed on the site.

TVAKL saw great strides in upgrading the four schools. Plans were made to bring about the much needed development for the students in the Tamil schools so that their educational journey from Tamil medium of instruction to Malay medium of instruction in the secondary school would enable them to achieve their full potential. To this effort TVAKL achieved the following:
The Vivekananda Secondary School presented the first batch of students for the SPM examination in 1981 and in 1982 the science stream for the students was planned.
In 1982, the Ministry of Education upgraded the school to Grade B with the permission to begin pure science classes.
A school Band (1983) was also set up by Mr Yap Fatt which eventually became one of the best school bands in the country, consistently participating in the Mederka Celebrations.
With a student population of 1,551 and improvements in scholastic performances, it became an A-grade school in 1987.
With the increasing student population ,Ashrama to improve academic performance initiated, planned and carried out the following:
-Special classes in English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mathmematics for students in Form 3 and 5,
-Establishment of the following movements - Boys Scouts, Girl Guides, Red Crescent for the
development of the youth,
-Free meals for deserving students,
-Free books, uniforms and bus fares for needy students .
In 1991, the school had made remarkable progress and development under the leadership of the principal, Mr R Ganesan. A person also know for strict discipline in the school and his tenure was from 1989 to 1999.
By 1993, the school required additional classrooms and other improvements. The school along with the PIBG and the Ashrama launched a fund raising campaign which began in 1994. With a donation from the Ashrama the school had a 90-piece band.
In 1994, the Ashrama sponsored a drama which was staged at Civic Centre Petaling Jaya by the students from the Vivekananda Schools, present and former, depicting the life of Swami Vivekananda. The proceeds of this event was to enhance the educational facilities of the school.

In this decade the academic performance of the students improved with great strides in the extra-curricular activities.
Between 2000 and 2004 Mrs Pushpa Leela Mahalingam became the Principal and worked tirelessly with the Ashrama and school facilities were upgraded as well as financial assistance was given when required.
Between 2005 and 2011 the following Principles, Mrs V Suman and Mrs Yogarathai managed to improve the academic performance of the school.
The students achieved recognition in various extra-curricular activities which included sports and silat competitions.
2010 - to date
2012 – The Education Minister and Deputy Prime Minister YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Muhyiddin b Hj Mohd Yassin at the request of the Chairman donated RM6 million for the building fund while officiating the opening of a new block at the Vivekananda Tamil School Petaling Jaya. He also stated that SMK Vivekananda would be allowed to initiate Sixth Form classes .
2014 – Form Six classes in the Arts began in March with 13 students. TVAKL 's school in Brickfields is one of the few schools where students are able to complete their education from an entry level - the Kindergarten till Pre-University - all within the same compound and also have the privilege of learning three languages – Tamil, Bahasa Malaysia and English from Kindergarten to the Sixth Form!
From 2016 was a year of challenges. There was a new Principal, Mr Thangaperumal Andimuthu AMW, who decided to bring about changes in the school that would benefit every student – irrespective of race and religion, cast or creed. He provided strong leadership . The teachers and the PIBG were encouraged to form teams to enable students to achieve their true potential. It was hard work and the academic and co-curricular achievements bear testament to their untiring efforts. There were 21 Students in Form Six and 5 of them joined local Universities in 2017.
In 2017, 10 students formed the Sixth Form class and in 2018, 9 out of the 10 students were placed in the universities. The academic results improved with 78 percent passes for SPM and 100 percent passes in STPM examinations.
In 2018, SMK Vivekananda became a Sixth Form Hub. There were 65 students and the following year with 100 percent passes 47 out of 65 joined local Universities.
In 2019 there were 68 students who will complete their course in 2020.
From 2017 onwards Tamil Literature classes were initiated and classes were held every Saturday for STPM students from Kuala Lumpur and Selangor for 80 to 90 students. The school achieved 100 percent pass from the 9 students who took Tamil Literature as a subject.
The school Management had implemented several initiatives to improve the academic achievement of the students and these included Juara Classes, Knowledge is Power (KIP) Workshop and Gerak Gempur for the PT3 and SPM candidates. The school also conducted extra classes for the Lower and Secondary students. All these efforts have yielded better results in PT3 and SPM examinations in 2018.
The co-curricular activities organised by the school had been diverse as well as inspiring for the students. Their achievements inter-school and inter-state include sports, netball, hockey tennis and cultural activities. The students are also involved in Cadets, Calligraphy classes, Oratorical competitions, public speaking as well as inter-racial and cultural activities which are practiced every year.

The HMs who provided leadership to the school over the years:-
Mr.M.T Pillai
Mrs. I.G. Yogam
Mr. K. Purushothaman
Mr. G. Ramalingam
Mr. B.A. Deimudu
Mrs. Padmavathy Chee
Mr. R. Ganesan
Mrs. Suseela
Mrs. Pushpa Leela Mahalingam
Mrs. Sumam Velayudham
Mrs. Yogarathai C Nagalingam
Mr. Mohgan Shamugam
Mrs. Krishna Kumarie
Mr. A. Thangaperumal
Bidding Farewell to a HM
‘Mr A Thangaperumal AMW retired from government service on 11 June 2021, after 36 years of service . During this period he served as a teacher in primary and secondary schools in KL , was Assistant Director in Education Dept WPKL and Assistant Director is schools Division in Ministry of Education . He had some exposure to politics as private secretary to the then Works Minister , Tun S Swamy Vellu . In his career in the education profession , he had initiated his own programmes ( like Program Pacuan Akademik) with a with groups of teachers ( referred to as MY Team !) to enhance student and teacher develop . As the Principal of SMK VIvekananda , the Ashrama was fortunate to have his services over 7 years . He implemented a number of initiatives in infrastructure , school curriculum and had good rapport with all stakeholders . The Ashrama is urging Mr Thanga to continue to share his expertise in education through the Ashrama . The Ashrama wishes him happy retirement from government service and looks forward to his service in his new phase in LIFE . ‘